Tips and Tales From Around the Globe

Christmas Around the World: How 9 Countries Celebrate

Dan Elias Bliss | December.20.2018


It’s that magical time of year when streets come to life with bright lights and people are full of joy.

Around the world, holiday celebrations are in full-swing with each country celebrating in its own unique way.

Check out some of the wonderful ways our host cities celebrate the most wonderful time of the year.

Reading Body Language Fluently Around the World

Molly Haskell | December.05.2018


As an intern living abroad, understanding body language cues both in and outside of the workplace is crucial. When practiced correctly, body language such as eye contact, facial expressions, and posture can greatly enhance everyday communication.

However, there are some gestures you’ll want to stay away from depending on where you are in the world! For example, in China, it’s very common to stand close to someone who is speaking, but in the United States, the same proximity might make the speaker feel uncomfortable.

How can you know which types of body language are appropriate for the country and culture you’re in? Keep reading for some helpful body language pointers for some of our top locations.

Intern Experience: Nikkie’s Art Education Internship in Florence

Brooke Matta | November.08.2018


Nikkie S. is a recent grad from San Francisco State University whose educational background is in Studio Art. During the fall of 2017, she landed an internship in her dream city of Florence, Italy. She felt that it was the perfect location for her to gain professional experience in both art and education.

Read more about Nikkie’s unforgettable experience, and watch her Snapchat takeover to see the day in the life of a Global Experiences’ intern.

Intern Experience: Alexandria H.'s Interior Design Internship in Florence

Dan Elias Bliss | October.04.2018


Every season interns from a wide variety of backgrounds travel to Florence, Italy for a career and life-changing experience. Alexandria H. was part of our summer group and fell in love with everything Florence had to offer.

During her internship, the University of Arkansas student got to live like a local Florentine and developed design skills to help her further her studies as an architecture major. Read more about her experience as an international intern in Florence.

Celebrate These Top Holidays and Festivals in Italy

Dan Elias Bliss | July.27.2018

Italy is full of some of the world’s greatest architecture, works of art, and food. Matched with a long list of celebrations that are spread throughout the year - what’s more to love! Italy is home to two of our fantastic international internship program locations, Milan and Florence.

Each city holds an endless amount of internship opportunities and experiences. Check out our guide to the top holidays to celebrate while interning abroad in Italy.

Intern Experience: Emily's Event Planning Internship in Florence

Dan Elias Bliss | July.02.2018


Emily S, a graduate of London South Bank University, combined her passion for wedding planning and love for Italy into a life-changing experience by interning abroad. Emily always dreamed of living in Italy and working as a wedding planner, and we are thrilled to have helped Emily make both of these dreams come true.

The Top 5 Cities for Event Management Internships

Katherine Adams | October.26.2017

Are you energetic, creative and innovative? Do you have a keen eye for detail, flawless organization and great interpersonal skills? Have you ever considered using these incredible qualities towards a future career? Then listen closely, because you may have what it takes to be in the Event Management business! 

The Top 5 Cities for Marketing Internships

Kristi Philius | July.24.2017

If there is any industry that is undeniably international, it’s marketing! One of the most fascinating things about traveling is having the opportunity to see advertisements for brands you are familiar with in other countries, and discovering the differences in how they brand themselves to different cultures.

The 6 Top Cities for your Fashion Internship

Lauren Plug | May.30.2017
Every fashion student dreams of one day living and working in one of the world’s top fashion capitals. Can you see yourself sitting in a cafe in Paris, sketching the street style in your treasured notebook. Or perhaps walking the streets of the Quadrilatero d’Oro in Milan, watching the who’s who of fashion parade the streets during the spring and fall fashion shows. Maybe London is more your style with fast, futuristic designs and the glitz and glamor of this timeless city. Some prefer the body conscious, fashion forward beach wear of Sydney and learning about a totally new fashion style. 

Program Review: Deb's Internship in Florence

Alex Paisner | April.27.2015

Deb, a graduating senior at Salisbury University, spent her fall semester interning in Italy for academic credit. Check out her experience and top tips for an internship in Florence!

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