Tips and Tales From Around the Globe

Dive into Spanish Culture with an Internship in Madrid or Barcelona

Kristin Micheletti | February.06.2023


Spain Holiday Traditions

Kelsey Norton | December.22.2022


8 Fun Facts About Spain

Kelsey Norton | January.11.2022

Many people know Spain for its amazing food, architecture, and football teams, but let's dive deeper into their history with 8 fun facts!

Intern Experience: Jackie's Non-Profit Internship in Barcelona, Spain

Karl Jacobs | December.26.2019

Millions of tourists flock to Barcelona every year to enjoy the sun, city, beach, and food. Life in the Catalan capital promotes a unique, cosmopolitan lifestyle.

This past fall, Jackie B. a senior at Texas A&M University, experienced this lifestyle and learned more about the non-profit industry with her internship in Barcelona.

Choosing a city in Spain was definitely difficult. After researching Spain I knew Barcelona would be the best choice for me because of its cosmopolitan lifestyle. This city is urban and new but it has never forgotten its history. The city pride here isn't like anything I have ever experienced."

Where You Should Travel Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Dan Elias Bliss | April.04.2019


Planning a trip and deciding where to intern abroad can seem like impossible tasks. All of our 12 host cities offer once in a lifetime experiences, and we understand how tough it can be to figure out which one will provide just the right balance of career development and thrilling adventures. 

Some interns choose their destinations for the culture, career field, or because they’ve always wanted to live in a certain city. Based on your astrological sign, we’ve found the perfect host city and work culture for you.

Christmas Around the World: How 9 Countries Celebrate

Dan Elias Bliss | December.20.2018


It’s that magical time of year when streets come to life with bright lights and people are full of joy.

Around the world, holiday celebrations are in full-swing with each country celebrating in its own unique way.

Check out some of the wonderful ways our host cities celebrate the most wonderful time of the year.

Reading Body Language Fluently Around the World

Molly Haskell | December.05.2018


As an intern living abroad, understanding body language cues both in and outside of the workplace is crucial. When practiced correctly, body language such as eye contact, facial expressions, and posture can greatly enhance everyday communication.

However, there are some gestures you’ll want to stay away from depending on where you are in the world! For example, in China, it’s very common to stand close to someone who is speaking, but in the United States, the same proximity might make the speaker feel uncomfortable.

How can you know which types of body language are appropriate for the country and culture you’re in? Keep reading for some helpful body language pointers for some of our top locations.

Intern Experience: Heather's Marketing Internship in Barcelona

Kayla Lucrezi | November.29.2018


What happens when you travel to Barcelona with your family and fall completely in love with the city? You decide to intern there and call it your home for a few months! At least that’s what Heather G. did the summer before her senior year at Carnegie Mellon University.

Heather, a behavioral economics and psych major, hopped back on a plane and completed a marketing internship in Barcelona, Spain

Intern Experience: Ryan's Marketing Internship in Barcelona

Dan Elias Bliss | July.19.2018


When does it hit you that you need to check off some life goals? For Ryan R., it was the summer between his sophomore and junior year at Aurora University. Ryan decided he wanted to go abroad, but instead of just traveling, he also wanted to gain work experience -- and he did it with an international internship!

Ryan fulfilled a lifelong dream and kicked off his international business career with a summer internship in Barcelona, Spain. Read more about his unforgettable experience, and watch his Snapchat Takeover video featuring his day in the life of an intern abroad.

Celebrate These Iconic Holidays While Interning Abroad in Barcelona

Dan Elias Bliss | June.18.2018


Barcelona is home to endless nights, loud music, bright colors, miles of sandy beaches, and festivals that fill the streets. Matched with a long list of amazing holidays and celebrations - what’s more to love! Check out our guide to Barcelona’s top holidays you do not want to miss out on.

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