Tips and Tales From Around the Globe

Top Reasons to Intern Abroad in Berlin, Germany

Susan Meredith | February.22.2023

There are a lot of things to consider when deciding to intern abroad: Can I intern with a company that aligns with my major?  Will I gain additional skills outside of the workplace in my host country?  Is it really worth it? The answer to all three is YES—and here are reasons why you should consider Berlin, Germany for your international internship experience. 

Identity, Access, and Mobility in the City that Never Sleeps

Kelsey Bridewell | January.27.2023

The city that never sleeps! A cultural center point of the world. When you think of New York City, what do you imagine? I picture the impressive Manhattan skyline, Hollywood (the Avengers, Jimmy Fallon, etc., Central Park, Broadway musicals, and classic NY bagels! New York City in all its glory, is a wonderful city to complete a short-term internship away from home. Throughout this post we will discuss some points to consider when deciding to pursue an AIFS internship in NYC.

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