Tips and Tales From Around the Globe

Top 8 Reasons to Intern in Dublin

Lara Schenke | December.11.2018


With an ancient history and modern mindset, Ireland’s capital is an amazing city to intern in.  Filled with humor, fun traditions, and a majestic landscape, there are many different reasons to chose Dublin for your international internship. Keep reading to discover some of our top reasons you should intern and live in Dublin, Ireland.

Reading Body Language Fluently Around the World

Molly Haskell | December.05.2018


As an intern living abroad, understanding body language cues both in and outside of the workplace is crucial. When practiced correctly, body language such as eye contact, facial expressions, and posture can greatly enhance everyday communication.

However, there are some gestures you’ll want to stay away from depending on where you are in the world! For example, in China, it’s very common to stand close to someone who is speaking, but in the United States, the same proximity might make the speaker feel uncomfortable.

How can you know which types of body language are appropriate for the country and culture you’re in? Keep reading for some helpful body language pointers for some of our top locations.

Intern Experience: Fiona's Video Production Internship in Dublin

Global Experiences | October.18.2018


In a dingy diner in Dublin, intern Fiona M. sits across from a prestigious Irish documentary director over a cup of coffee. He proceeds to give her the best advice she’s received since starting her internship in Dublin: “You can tell a story and you know how to use a camera. Create something. The worst outcome is that nobody ever watches it.”

Just months before in the spring of 2017, Fiona had been happily working full-time with a video production company in the United States while taking classes part-time as a digital media graduate student at Bellarmine University in Louisville, Kentucky.

Intern Experience: Hannah's Hospitality Internship in Dublin

Katherine Adams | November.17.2017

University of Mississippi Senior, Hannah Trinkle, is one of the lucky few who has been traveling internationally since the young age of 7! However, she had yet to fulfill her dream of traveling to Dublin. Hannah saw the opportunity to intern in Dublin with Global Experiences as the best of both worlds, by “enhancing her resume as well as opening her horizons by living and working abroad”. Hannah chose to pursue an internship in Hospitality Management and what a great choice this was! With some of the friendliest and most hospitable people in the world, Hannah’s biggest concerns were “getting used to the accent and reading a 24 hour clock”. With little worries, Dublin was sure to instantly embrace Hannah and make her feel right at home. Read on to learn more about Hannah’s amazing summer in Dublin!

The Top 5 Cities for Psychology Internships

Joe Meringolo | November.16.2017

Do you love working with other people? Are you interested in working in a community? Do want to help people who are in need or at risk? Then you’re probably a Psych major!

The Top 5 Cities for Event Management Internships

Katherine Adams | October.26.2017

Are you energetic, creative and innovative? Do you have a keen eye for detail, flawless organization and great interpersonal skills? Have you ever considered using these incredible qualities towards a future career? Then listen closely, because you may have what it takes to be in the Event Management business! 

Intern Experience: Josiah's Theatre Internship in Dublin

Lauren Plug | October.25.2017

 Josiah is a student at Anne Arundel Community College (just a hop and a skip from Global Experiences' headquarters in Annapolis!) studying visual performing arts. He's part Irish, so he was thrilled to land a theater internship in Dublin, the perfect culmination of all his years of vocal and acting training. Besides exploring his heritage with trips to the Cliffs of Moher and the Guinness Factory, Josiah also found time to jet over to Paris, Morocco and London. That's making the most of a first trip abroad!

How to Live in Dublin Like a Local while Interning Abroad

Carolina Serrizuela | August.23.2017

One of the most storied rainbow myths is that there's a pot of gold at the end of every one. Not only that, but that the pot of gold is guarded by a tricky leprechaun. If you came to Ireland trying to find the pot of gold at the end of every rainbow, you will definitely have many chances to try it because you’ll see this marvelous phenomenon at least once a week.

The Top Cities for Non-Profit Internships

Kristi Philius | August.22.2017

How awesome is it that people build entire careers around helping other people? The Non-Profit/NGO sector can be extremely fulfilling to be apart of if social impact is something you value as a part of your work experience.

GE Named Innovator for the 3rd Time

Global Experiences | June.08.2017
Global Experiences (GE) was a third-time award winner at the 20th Annual GoAbroad Innovation Award ceremony in Los Angeles, California on June 1st. The glamorous awards event is a centerpiece of the annual NAFSA Association of International Educators conference that attracts 10,000 attendees from around the world. 

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