Tips and Tales From Around the Globe

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Kelsey Norton

Kelsey Norton
Hi I'm Kelsey Norton! I am the marketing intern at GE, I currently go to Salisbury University and I am getting my degree in Communications with a track in PR. I love traveling and learning about different countries so this internship is a perfect fit for me. I hope you enjoy reading my blogs!
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Recent Posts

Spain Holiday Traditions

Kelsey Norton | December.22.2022


The Study Cycle- 6 Steps To Studying Successfully

Kelsey Norton | April.05.2022

The study cycle is a tried and true way of retaining information and developing a complete understanding of a course. When moving to a new country, and learning a new language it can be hard to understand the course structure, and even harder to develop a study routine. The goal of a study cycle is to add structure to your already hectic schedule. By carving out time in your daily life, to study you can then effectively learn the material. So let's take a look at what the study cycle is, and some ways we can use and modify it to fit your needs when you are abroad. 

4 'Touristy' Destinations in Florence, Italy Worth Visiting

Kelsey Norton | March.29.2022

Florence is the know for its historic beauty, renaissance architecture & art, and the rich culture that is found within the city. When in Florence these four tourist destinations are worth visiting and will provide the experience of going back in time.

6 Ways To Add Some Adventure To Your Internship Abroad

Kelsey Norton | February.15.2022

Are you looking to make the most of your time abroad? Are you looking for adventure and something new?  Here are 6 ways to add some extra excitement during your internship abroad!

5 Ways To Prepare For Your First Day On The Job

Kelsey Norton | February.09.2022

You did it! You made it through the interviewing process and stood out against everyone else — and you got the job! And now, after accepting your job offer, it’s time to start your first day. Here are 5 ways to have your best first day possible.

8 Fun Facts About Spain

Kelsey Norton | January.11.2022

Many people know Spain for its amazing food, architecture, and football teams, but let's dive deeper into their history with 8 fun facts!

NYE Traditions & Celebrations Around the World

Kelsey Norton | December.28.2021

All around the world as midnight strikes and 2022 begins, we all celebrate a little differently. But one of the things we have in common is celebrating the past and the present. As the world starts slowly opening up again, this year we wanted to highlight different New Years traditions and customs around the world! 

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