Tips and Tales From Around the Globe

Finding Your Jewish Community Abroad & Celebrating the High Holidays

Kate Ziegelstein | September.27.2019


Active Jewish communities can be found in every corner of the globe. Outside of Israel, the world’s largest Jewish population is in the United States. Other countries included in the top 10 may surprise you! France is third on the list, the UK is sixth, and Germany and Australia round out the top 10.

While there are three main denominations within Jewish practice (Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform), identifying as Jewish does not necessarily mean “religious.” There is also cultural Judaism, and many people who identify as Jewish consider themselves secular.

A Guide to the Best Instagram Hotspots Around the World

Brooke Matta | September.18.2019

We live in such a connected world that traveling means sharing your experiences online with your friends and family. If you’re a prolific poster, everyone who follows you on social media sees what you’re seeing, where you’re going, and probably even what you’re eating.

Instagram is currently the most popular platform to post real-time photos and video updates -- it has the capacity to turn a hidden gem into an “Instagram hotspot” overnight. All it takes is a few beautiful photos and geotags to showcase a new travel spot to the Instagram community.

You’ll undoubtedly want to see the sites that your host city is famous for while living and traveling abroad during your international internship. So, we’ve compiled a list of 47 Instagram hotspots for you to visit in each city, but we also encourage you to venture off the beaten path and find some hidden gems yourself!

Where You Should Intern Abroad Based on Your Favorite Reality TV Show

Andrew Parr | September.13.2019

It’s that time of year! Television Primetime is coming off of their summer hiatus (primarily because the rest of the world is traveling) and streaming into our living rooms. Between on demand, Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, and now Disney+, the television scene is sizzling!

Reality shows are becoming increasingly popular, but have you ever considered what reality show might say about your travel persona? Press play and find yourself living the reality abroad.

Introducing: 3 New Internship Abroad Program Locations

Kelly Holland | September.04.2019

It is with great excitement that we announce not one, not two, but three new European cities for the Global Experiences catalog! Applications are now open for our Summer 2020 internship abroad programs in:

  1. Berlin, Germany
  2. Madrid, Spain
  3. Rome, Italy

So how did we get there? Through the work of our executive team, we are able to investigate what new locations are best suited for internships. This means looking closely at capacity, housing, placement opportunities, industry, and much more in the area. Take a look at some of our favorite things about these new destinations and why you should intern abroad in Berlin, Madrid, or Rome!

Top 10 Tips For Traveling Solo

Global Experiences | August.22.2019

In London, I hugged my friends goodbye as she headed to the airport. Wandering around trying to figure out where I was going next, I realized I was now entirely on my own in an unfamiliar city.

Here I was, the last of a group of three to still be traveling, but I was so anxious about getting lost or losing my wallet that I struggled to even enjoy it. I had a few weeks until I joined my family in Egypt and hastily made arrangements to travel alone for the first time in London, Barcelona and Athens, where I would then take a short flight to Cairo.

While traveling with my friends, they seemed to know exactly where everything was, always made itineraries that seemed to make the most sense, looked at maps and found the cheapest routes. I still needed to build the confidence and skills they had. So traveling with my friends was a practice run - now was my time to experience traveling solo.

Traveling alone was something I definitely never considered or thought was an option for myself. But by the end of the journey I made on my own, it ended up being one of my favorite travel experiences and I’ve traveled several times alone since.

Here’s what I learned from my solo travels, why I travel alone (and why you should too), and my top 10 tips!

Intern Experience: Jessica’s Art Internship in Florence

Andrew Parr | August.16.2019


In Italy, there’s a quaint little town that evolved into a jewel of a city through the centuries. This jewel would transfigure itself into the heart of a movement, a movement of art and ideas known as the Italian Renaissance.

Jessica T., an intern from the University of British Columbia in Canada, would find herself drawn to the spark of artistic creation and work among cathedrals, sculptures, and paintings that Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Brunelleschi crafted. Welcome to Firenze, or more commonly known as “Florence" among English speakers. Continue reading to hear about Jessica’s experience interning abroad as a Florentine.

6 Don't-Miss Holidays in London and Dublin

Dan Elias Bliss | August.08.2019


History and modern day meet in London and Dublin, but what remains the same, their incredible holidays. Both of these terrific cities are full of late nights and long celebrations. Check out our guide to don't-miss holidays you’ll want to celebrate during your international internship in London or Dublin.

GE Team Shares Favorite Memories From Around The World

Global Experiences | August.02.2019


Global Experiences is made up of world travelers. We have spanned the globe and touched nearly every corner of the world.

From study abroad, work visas, long holidays, or our own international internships, our team has made memories abroad that will last a lifetime. Read on for our team's favorite stories around the world!

Ireland’s Most Recognizable Sites in Pop Culture and Films

Global Experiences | July.17.2019


While interning abroad in Dublin, naturally you want to take advantage of your free time and explore the city. It’s tempting to want to see as many of its most popular sites as possible, from Trinity College to Grafton Street to Kilmainham Gaol.

That said, the beauty of the Irish landscape and countryside is common knowledge as well, but less known is that it contains some of the most recognizable sites in pop culture and films that you may not even realize.

Among the highest-grossing movie franchises, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars, and most-viewed television show of all time, Game of Thrones, feature Ireland’s stunning landscape. These franchises and their fantasy theme, embrace the scenic staggering cliffs, rolling green fields, and rocky beaches that seem wild and magical - a place where adventure happens.

This puts Ireland on your next go-to list, not only learn about the history of a fascinating country, but to also enjoy some of the sites of your favorite nerdy movies. Read below to find out how you could be walking in the shoes of some of your favorite and most iconic characters across Ireland.

How to Live like a Local in Florence

Cheyanne Johansson | July.03.2019

The sound of a busy city, the robust smell of espresso, and an accordion echoing in the distance. This is what you wake up to every morning in the beautiful city of Florence.

Florence is the pinnacle of art, food, fashion, and music, and is sure to ignite your sense of adventure. Being the free spirited lover of landscapes and all things artistic that I am, I knew this would be the perfect place for me to intern abroad.

Exceeding all expectations, Florence not only captivated my thirst for new experiences, but it left all six of my senses buzzing with euphoria. Here are some tips, tricks, and guidelines to help you live your best life in Florence, Italy.

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