Tips and Tales From Around the Globe

Advice from GE Alum: How my Internship got me into Grad School

Dan Elias Bliss | February.19.2019


When it comes to getting into graduate school, two things are important – a high GPA and experience outside the classroom. With an international internship, you gain the skills and real-world experience that graduate admissions committees are looking for.

For these five alumni, their internship influenced and helped them follow their dreams of getting a master’s degree. Keep reading for our alums’ stories and their advice on using an internship abroad to get into grad school.

How to Live like a Local in San José, Costa Rica

Brooke Matta | February.14.2019


San José is one of the easiest cities to acclimate to in all of Latin America. It helps when Costa Ricans, affectionately known as “Ticos,” are extremely warm and welcoming.

San José’s extensive network of buses makes exploring and traveling around the country a piece of cake. Plus Costa Rican food is fresh, comforting, and not too spicy — easy for everyone to enjoy!

Once you land in San José, you’ll find yourself navigating the city and living like a local in no time. Brooke studied abroad in Costa Rica, so continue reading for her tips to help you get there!

7 Professional Networking Tips and LinkedIn Pro Tips

Dan Elias Bliss | January.21.2019


You might think a degree and some professional experience is enough to kickstart a great career, and you would be partially right - both of those things are invaluable to building a successful career. However, there is one more thing you’ll need to set yourself apart from the rest of the pack, a network of diverse professionals.

Although networking may seem daunting and time-consuming, successfully networking can lead to great opportunities and long-term career success. Read over our 7 tips on how to network. 

6 Top Career Fields for Internships in Florence

Dan Elias Bliss | January.17.2019


A warm breeze brushes a bride's veil as she smiles for another photograph. A team of planners, designers, and servers move with urgency as the sun sets over Tuscany. Business men and marketers work with exciting clients from around the world. These are not unusual scenes for anyone looking for an internship abroad in Florence, Italy.

Known as the birthplace of the Renaissance, Florence has a long history and rich culture guaranteed to give you a once in a lifetime experience. Read on for the most popular internships in Florence, Italy.

8 Budgeting Tips for your Internship in London

Carmen Chamorro | January.03.2019


You have your luggage ready and are more excited than you’ve ever been: your London adventure is about to start! But wait, did you think about your budget? Did you take some time to calculate the amount you will need while interning abroad?

Before immersing yourself into one of the most beautiful experiences of your life, let’s make sure that you have your finances under control. London is a huge metropolis for business, art, and opportunity - which means living there can be costly. No one should go broke living in a city that can be affordable - especially with the right tips and tricks.

6 Interns Hired by Their Host Company: How They Got The Job Offer

Dan Elias Bliss | December.27.2018


An internship abroad is all about gaining the skills and experience needed to land your dream career. Through an international internship, you get to meet people from around the world, explore different cultures, learn new perspectives about life, and develop as a person.

For these six alumni, their internships impacted their lives in a major way — their host companies offered them a position! Keep reading to find out more about our alums’ stories and their advice on turning an internship into a job offer.

Top 8 Reasons to Intern in Dublin

Lara Schenke | December.11.2018


With an ancient history and modern mindset, Ireland’s capital is an amazing city to intern in.  Filled with humor, fun traditions, and a majestic landscape, there are many different reasons to chose Dublin for your international internship. Keep reading to discover some of our top reasons you should intern and live in Dublin, Ireland.

Intern Experience: Heather's Marketing Internship in Barcelona

Kayla Lucrezi | November.29.2018


What happens when you travel to Barcelona with your family and fall completely in love with the city? You decide to intern there and call it your home for a few months! At least that’s what Heather G. did the summer before her senior year at Carnegie Mellon University.

Heather, a behavioral economics and psych major, hopped back on a plane and completed a marketing internship in Barcelona, Spain

10 Must-Have Travel Apps for Your Adventure Abroad

Dan Elias Bliss | November.20.2018


You’ve nailed the interview, landed your dream internship, and soon you’ll be setting off for a once in a lifetime adventure. There are the few essentials all world travelers need -- cash, ticket, passport, and of course, a phone. Though we don’t want you staring down at your phone your whole time abroad, there are a few apps to make living in a new country a bit easier. Check out these 10 apps you should download for your internship abroad.

Strategic Thinking Strengths - Helping Teams Make Good Decisions

Melissa Vivian | November.16.2018


Harnessing the power of your strengths requires fully understanding how they manifest, being able to acknowledge when you are using them, and then reflecting on the positive benefits of performing at your best. This self-reinforcing loop is the mechanism by which we self-actualize, or realize our full potential. When you create the opportunities to do what you do best every day, you'll notice profound effects on your career.

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