Tips and Tales From Around the Globe

About Our Authors

Melissa Vivian

Melissa B. is the Director of Academic Internships for Global Experiences. Melissa works hard to build new relationships between GE and universities across North America.

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Strategic Thinking Strengths - Helping Teams Make Good Decisions

Melissa Vivian | November.16.2018


Harnessing the power of your strengths requires fully understanding how they manifest, being able to acknowledge when you are using them, and then reflecting on the positive benefits of performing at your best. This self-reinforcing loop is the mechanism by which we self-actualize, or realize our full potential. When you create the opportunities to do what you do best every day, you'll notice profound effects on your career.

Understanding Gallup Executive Strengths

Melissa Vivian | April.05.2018

Welcome back to the Global Experiences blog series on the four domains of human Strengths measured by the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment. We are proud to be using this highly-respected and world-renowned personal development tool for 5 years now. That means that over 2,000 young professionals have now discovered their Strengths while interning abroad! Meanwhile, over 18 million people have taken the assessment worldwide with the goal of empowering themselves to succeed!

Understanding Influencer Strengths

Melissa Vivian | November.27.2017

Hello, and welcome back to Global Experiences blog series on Gallup’s Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment and the four different Strengths domains and 34 themes it measures! If you are joining us for the first time, please check out the first post on how knowing and applying your strengths can drastically enhance your career as well as our second post delving deeper into the theme of relationship-building strengths. This post will take a closer look at another domain, that of the Influencing strengths and the eight themes categorized as such. 

Understanding Relationship Building Strengths

Melissa Vivian | September.11.2017

Global Experiences is widely known in the field of Education Abroad as the premier provider of International Internships and Career Readiness. Global Experiences has been recognized as an innovator in impactful programming due to its customized internship placement process and award-winning Strengths-Based Approach to Career Readiness. 

What is StrengthsFinder and Why Do You Need It?

Melissa Vivian | July.17.2017

Global Experiences uses a Strengths-Based Approach to Career Readiness. What this means is that our program is designed to help interns realize their natural talents and apply them not only to their internships abroad, but to their journey in finding a career they love.

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