Tips and Tales From Around the Globe

Why Pay for an Unpaid Internship

Global Experiences | November.05.2018


If you're in college or are about to graduate, getting an internship abroad is the best way to begin your journey towards finding your dream career. Internships provide you the professional development you need to enter into the work-force and give you the time to acquire valuable professional experience.

8 Top London Film and Pop Culture Locations to Visit

Kristi Philius | October.26.2018


Everyone has a bucket list when traveling to somewhere new - even when your primary reason for being there is for your fabulous new internship. After you’ve hit all the hot spots, it’s time to explore some equally exciting highlights. Join me as I share 8 tourist destinations where you can snap a pic for the ‘gram at eight of your favorite book, TV show, and film locations around London, England.

Global Experiences is Excited to Announce: Costa Rica Internships

Dan Elias Bliss | October.16.2018


For years, expats and world travelers have flocked to Costa Rica to live the pure life or as locals call it “Pura Vida.” Costa Rica is a beautiful country with a rich history and right in the middle of it all is the capital city of San José.

We’re extremely excited to announce the launch of our international Costa Rica internship program in San José! We chose Costa Rica because of its amazing culture, experiences it offers, and of course all of its amazing internship opportunities.

Studies Show International Experience gets you Hired Faster

Dan Elias Bliss | October.10.2018


If there’s one common fear among millennial graduates, it’s finding a good job right out of college. It’s not an entirely unfounded fear as most of us millennials will either be underemployed, or search for employment upwards of six months before landing a job in their career field.

Setting yourself apart in an already tough market becomes even more difficult when your peers have similar degrees and GPAs. However, recent studies by the Erasmus Student Network and different universities found that going abroad is the one true way to stand out and get hired faster.

How to Talk About Your Internship to Land your Dream Job

Dan Elias Bliss | September.27.2018


As an alum of Global Experiences, I know what it takes to transition an international internship into a full-time position. Before going to Stockholm, no matter how many openings I applied for I couldn't get an interview. After my journalism internship, I had interviews for writing jobs across different industries and across the country.

I was even told at more than just one interview that my international experience was the reason they decided to bring me in. Every hiring manager, HR head, and supervisor’s first question was about my time in Sweden. Here are a few of my tips and tricks about how to talk about your internship experience during the job hiring process.

How to Rock Your Internship

Laura Eshelman | September.21.2018


Have you landed an internship? Excellent. You rock. Getting internships now can be just as hard as getting a job. You’re in a class with so many smart, determined young professionals. Now that you’ve found yourself with an internship, you should be very proud. Pat yourself on the back and prepare - because it’s going to be a rewarding, fulfilling, and mentally stimulating few months.

Your main goal now is to make an unforgettable impression during your internship. You’ll meet a lot of new people and professionals in your field, complete a range of tasks, and have some solid examples of work you can share with future employers. Here are a few tips and tricks to absolutely crush your internship.

Top 4 Skills Employers Want and Recent Grads Lack

Dan Elias Bliss | August.30.2018


In today’s competitive job market, a college degree will teach you a lot of things, though most likely not all the skills you need to succeed in the workplace. With almost half of all 25 to 29 year olds having a bachelor’s degree, a college education is becoming the new normal. But even with an education, there are still skills employers say nearly all recent graduates lack.

1. Writing Skills

2. Verbal Skills

3. Critical Thinking 

4. Real-world Experience 

Many of these soft skills can’t be taught inside a classroom and don’t come with a degree.

8 Tips to Surviving Your First Week Abroad

Dan Elias Bliss | August.23.2018


As a college student or young professional, interning abroad can be one of the most rewarding experiences. It’s your chance to see the world all while gaining valuable professional experience which will take you places in your career. Being abroad is thrilling, but the first week can be overwhelming. You are out of your comfort zone, navigating a new city, meeting lots of people from different backgrounds, and in a new work environment. Don’t worry, once you make it through those first few days, you can make it through anything. Here’s our top tips to surviving your first week abroad.   

12 Remarkably Successful People Define Success

Dan Elias Bliss | August.01.2018


What is success? When we talk about “successful” people, we usually think about someone who has a bank account reaching into the billions, a prominent historical figure, or a world leader. But when those successful people are asked about their definition of success, most will say those achievements are not what make them feel accomplished. Here are some of the world’s most influential people and their success quotes.

Celebrate These Top Holidays and Festivals in Italy

Dan Elias Bliss | July.27.2018

Italy is full of some of the world’s greatest architecture, works of art, and food. Matched with a long list of celebrations that are spread throughout the year - what’s more to love! Italy is home to two of our fantastic international internship program locations, Milan and Florence.

Each city holds an endless amount of internship opportunities and experiences. Check out our guide to the top holidays to celebrate while interning abroad in Italy.

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