Tips and Tales From Around the Globe

Travel The World Through Disney+

Rachel V. and Madison K. | December.19.2019


Disney Plus announced... let the bingeing begin! How long have you been waiting to kick back on the couch and watch some of these tv series and movies for hours?

Now that your favorite movies are readily accessible, you'll be acing questions about every character and quote lines for days. But, can you name where in the world it was filmed?

You can use Disney+ as your tour guide of our intern abroad program locations. Get ready to add some of our favorite flicks to your next movie night!

Living Like a Local in Paris while Interning Abroad

Katherine Adams | June.05.2019


As the great Audrey Hepburn once said, “Paris is always a good idea”. Audrey was absolutely right. If you are lucky enough to take a trip to Paris, you will instantly understand. There is no comparison to the Parisian charm-- the grandiose attractions and monuments, quaint cafes and bistros, glorious markets, beautiful Haussuman boulevards, and timeless elegance.

Being in the City of Lights is unlike anything you will ever experience but visiting as a tourist versus living like a local are two completely different feats! Below I have outlined a few tricks and tips to experience Paris like a local.

Caring for your Mental Health while Interning Abroad

Dan Elias Bliss | May.29.2019


This May marks the 70th anniversary of mental health awareness month. This year’s theme expands on #4mind4body. Humor, work-life balance, and how they relate to mental health are a few of the topics explored this year.

Since the early 90s, there has been a steady increase in young people reporting problems with mental health. Generation Z has been more open and willing to talk about their struggles with mental health. However, over 60 percent of young people report having an overwhelming sense of anxiety.

While traveling is exhilarating and life-changing, it can also exacerbate mental health issues. We want to provide all our interns with the proper knowledge and information they need to ensure mental well-being before, after, and during their program.

9 Ways to Live in the Moment While Traveling Abroad

Dan Elias Bliss | May.09.2019


Travel demands that you live in the present moment to completely experience the world around you. However, most of the time that’s easier said than done. With so many distractions, it can be hard to totally let everything go and appreciate where you are right there and then. Lucky for you – we’ve put together nine tips and tricks to help you live in the moment while traveling abroad.  

14 Best Travel Podcasts to Inspire Your Wanderlust

Dan Elias Bliss | April.25.2019


Wandering the world is one of the most exhilarating experiences you can have. Exploring new cultures will make your heart race and you’ll come back a better person from your travels. However, there are a lot of questions about how to travel, what to do, and what to see. 

To find the answers, there are plenty of awesome travel podcasts focused on everything travel related. There are stories to spark your wanderlust, advice to help save you money, guides to cities, and so much more. Read over our list of the best travel podcasts and get your journey started.

8 Budgeting Tips for your Dublin Internship

Lara Schenke | February.21.2019


With all the preparations and excitement before flying into Dublin, it is important to remember your budget. Perhaps not the most glamorous of activities, but one that will keep you on track and ensure you make the most out of your experience abroad. Dublin has much to offer, and you’ll have so much to do!

When I moved to Dublin in 2017, I only had the vaguest idea of how to budget. As a student, I was usually looking for the cheapest things and the best deal. Many of my pre-arrival concerns were far less expensive than I anticipated, whereas other aspects I didn’t even consider.

Here are some of my tips to ensure you make the most out of your time in the Fair City, and worrying about money is the last thing on your mind!

8 Budgeting Tips for your Internship in London

Carmen Chamorro | January.03.2019


You have your luggage ready and are more excited than you’ve ever been: your London adventure is about to start! But wait, did you think about your budget? Did you take some time to calculate the amount you will need while interning abroad?

Before immersing yourself into one of the most beautiful experiences of your life, let’s make sure that you have your finances under control. London is a huge metropolis for business, art, and opportunity - which means living there can be costly. No one should go broke living in a city that can be affordable - especially with the right tips and tricks.

Top 8 Reasons to Intern in Dublin

Lara Schenke | December.11.2018


With an ancient history and modern mindset, Ireland’s capital is an amazing city to intern in.  Filled with humor, fun traditions, and a majestic landscape, there are many different reasons to chose Dublin for your international internship. Keep reading to discover some of our top reasons you should intern and live in Dublin, Ireland.

Reading Body Language Fluently Around the World

Molly Haskell | December.05.2018


As an intern living abroad, understanding body language cues both in and outside of the workplace is crucial. When practiced correctly, body language such as eye contact, facial expressions, and posture can greatly enhance everyday communication.

However, there are some gestures you’ll want to stay away from depending on where you are in the world! For example, in China, it’s very common to stand close to someone who is speaking, but in the United States, the same proximity might make the speaker feel uncomfortable.

How can you know which types of body language are appropriate for the country and culture you’re in? Keep reading for some helpful body language pointers for some of our top locations.

Intern Experience: Heather's Marketing Internship in Barcelona

Kayla Lucrezi | November.29.2018


What happens when you travel to Barcelona with your family and fall completely in love with the city? You decide to intern there and call it your home for a few months! At least that’s what Heather G. did the summer before her senior year at Carnegie Mellon University.

Heather, a behavioral economics and psych major, hopped back on a plane and completed a marketing internship in Barcelona, Spain

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