Tips and Tales From Around the Globe

Why I Chose to Intern in Florence

Meghan Tankersley | September.06.2013

The City of Lights - Interning in Paris

Alex Paisner | August.30.2013
Internships In Paris | Tree-lined boulevards, charming cafes, endless art galleries, and world renowned business opportunities.

How to Boost Your Resume: International Internships

Alex Paisner | August.21.2013


How to stand out from college grads, all 1.7 million of them:

One of the awesome things about entering your college years is that you have the freedom to choose any path you want to go down. You can study just about anything you can dream of. With that said, it’s important to keep something in mind: your goals and how you’re actually going to achieve them. Where do you see yourself in five years? College is all about time to find yourself and your passion. But once you walk across that stage with diploma in hand, how you can stand out from the thousands of other cap and gowns?

Words From The Intern: International Internships

Alex Paisner | August.16.2013


International Internships:Discover Your Potential


Some Global Experiences summer 2013 Dublin interns! Stephanie on the far left.

Florence, Italy | Top 10 Sites To See On Budget

Alex Paisner | July.31.2013

Florence, Italy is often regarded as one big open-air museum. See some of the best sights the city has to offer in just a few days and while spending only a few Euros! Comfortable walking shoes, a city map, and curiosity are about all you need to have the tour of your life.

Interview With the Intern | Economics Internship

Alex Paisner | July.24.2013

Russell Chang from the University of Southern California is currently doing economics internship with Pro Capital Ltd. in London. Here are some of his thoughts about his experience thus far:

Call London Home- Intern on the Other Side of the World

Alex Paisner | July.10.2013


As a student, it would be a pretty safe bet to assume that during your studies you have wasted an hour or two of your time dreaming of traveling the world, of seeing faraway places, meeting new people, and experiencing things outside of your traditional comfort zone.  You’ve probably even spoken about uprooting and trying your luck over in the UK on a gap year, as this would allow you to see Europe and best of all, have a roof over your head.

Internships Abroad: Myths Decoded

Alex Paisner | July.01.2013

When students begin to think about studying or interning abroad, a lot of thoughts pop into their heads. Traveling to a foreign country as a student is a challenging, but  rewarding experience that will give you a leg up as an individual as well as in your professional career. It's important to do some research and separate the truth from stories you may have read or heard about before weighing in on your decision to go abroad.

International Internships - Why I Pay it Forward

Alex Paisner | June.14.2013

Alex Paisner is the Marketing Director for Global Experiences. He has traveled throughout the world, and is an alum of the Global Experiences Dublin Program.

Why Should I Intern After Graduation?

Harrison B. | May.23.2013

Let’s face it: a bachelor’s degree isn't what it used to be.  Long gone are the days when a college education was enough to assure you a good career, a pension, and a chance to retire with enough savings to maybe even do a little traveling when it’s all said and done.  Nowadays, bachelor’s degrees are a dime a dozen, and employers have stacks of resumes well over a hundred high, most of them boasting high GPAs, extra-curriculars, awards, and other accolades.  There was a time when graduating from a good school with high marks and a degree in advertising was enough to get you through the front door of that well-known, successful advertising firm.  Well, not anymore. Today’s employers want to see more.  They want to see something unique.

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