Tips and Tales From Around the Globe

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Harrison B.

Harrison was passionate about Global Experiences' mission and helped send countless interns abroad.

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Know Your Strengths and Take Control

Harrison B. | December.23.2014

Your twenties are guaranteed to be tumultuous. There’s no avoiding this. Finding your footing in your budding, young career while simultaneously cultivating a clear sense of identity, self-worth, and purpose is no short order. Combine these certainties with friends and relationships constantly coming and going, and don’t be surprised if your life feels one big Taylor Swift song. On loop.

Why Should I Intern After Graduation?

Harrison B. | May.23.2013

Let’s face it: a bachelor’s degree isn't what it used to be.  Long gone are the days when a college education was enough to assure you a good career, a pension, and a chance to retire with enough savings to maybe even do a little traveling when it’s all said and done.  Nowadays, bachelor’s degrees are a dime a dozen, and employers have stacks of resumes well over a hundred high, most of them boasting high GPAs, extra-curriculars, awards, and other accolades.  There was a time when graduating from a good school with high marks and a degree in advertising was enough to get you through the front door of that well-known, successful advertising firm.  Well, not anymore. Today’s employers want to see more.  They want to see something unique.

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