Tips and Tales From Around the Globe

10 Reasons Why You Need to Intern Abroad

Meghan Tankersley | January.03.2014


Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to travel more? Did you make a goal to improve your resume or learn a new skill? If so, why not do an internship abroad this year to meet your travel dreams and gain new professional skills?

We think the reasons to intern abroad are endless, but we’ve narrowed it down to the top 10 reasons why you should put an international internship at the top of your New Year’s resolutions list.

Dione's London Adventure

Meghan Tankersley | December.30.2013

Dione is a recent graduate from the University of West Florida and completed a psychology internship in London this fall. Below is a blog she wrote for Global Experiences to share her experience with current, past, and future interns! Like Dione, you too can experience life in London with an internship with Global Experiences by inquiring here

6 Tips To Find An Internship Abroad

Meghan Tankersley | December.20.2013


The New Year is coming and it’s that time of year to start making resolutions and creating plans for the future. You may have already decided that you need to complete an internship, or that you’d like to travel this year. Why not do both? An international internship is the perfect combination of professional work experience and international travel that will enhance any resume. Deciding to an internship is easy, but finding the right program can be difficult. Fret not, we have complied 6 tips to help you being your search for an internship abroad.

4 Keys to Success as an Intern in London

Meghan Tankersley | December.16.2013

London is consistently ranked the most popular study abroad destination for US Citizens. It’s not surprising that American students flock to London because the city is bursting with iconic buildings, hundreds of museums and parks, history, and multiculturalism. Check out these four keys to success and get started on your own internship in London!

New York City to Paris to Madrid

Meghan Tankersley | December.05.2013


Terry has completed two Global Experiences internships.  He did an internship in film production in NYC in the summer of 2012 and then he participated in a marketing internship in Paris over the summer of 2013. Terry is currently living in Madrid, Spain getting his masters degree. Below is an email he sent to Global Experiences detailing his internship experience in Paris. You can get started on your own experience here

Travel Holiday Wish List

Meghan Tankersley | November.25.2013

The holidays are right around the corner and it is time to start planning your holiday wish list! Instead of the new Call of Duty or pair of UGGs, ask your family for some of these travel must-haves to prepare for your internship abroad.  Don’t have an internship lined up for this year? Add an international internship to your holiday wish list!

Updates from Intern Chandi in Sydney

Meghan Tankersley | November.12.2013

Below is an email written by marketing intern Chandi to Program Consultant Harrison about her internship abroad experience in Sydney this fall. Chandi is currently interning for a fashion company that designs and manufactures womenswear. Her internship tasks include blogging, assisting with creating marketing materials, and managing social media outlets.  Check out the Global Experiences website to see how you too can do an internship in Australia! 

5 Reasons to Intern in London This Spring

Meghan Tankersley | November.07.2013

London is a thriving metropolis full of thousands of businesses, historic buildings, and fantastic food, which is why it is the most popular study abroad destination.  Have you always wanted to go explore all that the city has to offer, but haven’t been able to plan a trip abroad because of classes or job searching? Don’t put it off any longer! Global Experiences has plenty of internship opportunities and discounts available for this spring.

Creating Your Digital Brand

Meghan Tankersley | November.05.2013

My father always says, “Don’t put anything online that you wouldn’t want on the front page of the newspaper". Even though my father doesn't understand most things relating to the Internet or social media, he does give some pretty solid advice. We are living in a digital world and one way or another you are creating an online presence. Even if you don’t really care about social media, you should be aware of how you look online because employers and admissions officers will look you up. According to a 2012 Jobvite survey, 92% of employers currently use or plan on using social media for recruiting. Here are five simple steps to start creating your own digital brand to supplement your internship abroad:

How to Make Finding a Job Easier

Meghan Tankersley | November.01.2013


Today's job market is tough. A recent study from Georgetown University Center of Education and Workforce shows that young adults make up a much larger share of the unemployed population than the workforce. Even as the economy continues to rise from the depths of the recession, recent graduates are going to have fierce competition for full-time employment.

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