Tips and Tales From Around the Globe

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Jessica Dais

Jessica D. was a special guest writer from Takelessons helps students connect with teachers in a huge variety of subjects.

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Reading Body Language Fluently Around the World

Jessica Dais | December.05.2018


As an intern living abroad, understanding body language cues both in and outside of the workplace is crucial. When practiced correctly, body language such as eye contact, facial expressions, and posture can greatly enhance everyday communication.

However, there are some gestures you’ll want to stay away from depending on where you are in the world! For example, in China, it’s very common to stand close to someone who is speaking, but in the United States, the same proximity might make the speaker feel uncomfortable.

How can you know which types of body language are appropriate for the country and culture you’re in? Keep reading for some helpful body language pointers for some of our top locations.

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