Tips and Tales From Around the Globe

Why DC is the Best Internship City

Augusta Viccellio | February.23.2015

Every year Washington, DC, the American center of politics, sees a huge influx (about 40,000) of young interns. Summer Internships are big in DC not only in federal agencies and their affiliated companies but also in non-profit, business, marketing, public relations, and global development. The deadlines for summer internships for 2015 are always early for DC and now is the time to get your application submitted.

Skip the Tourist Traps: 10 Insider Destinations in London

Amanda D | February.13.2015



Amanda Dales is Global Experiences' London Location Coordinator. Here are some of her insider tips of some of the off-the-beaten path things to do in London!

Discover Florence

Rachel M | February.04.2015

This is written by Rachel Mason who is Global Experiences location coordinator in Florence, Italy.

It’s not what you know, it’s WHO KNOWS YOU!

Chrissie Friedrichsen | January.26.2015


Chrissie Friedrichsen is a Program Advisor at Global Experiences. She helps interns prepare for their international internship programs around the world.

Why You Should Intern in a Start-Up

Emily Merson | January.13.2015

Peter Ballagh is Global Experiences' placement director in Dublin, Ireland. Here he lends his expertise on the advantages of start-up internships.

A Traveler’s Guide: Exploring Ireland During your Internship

Stephanie Perry | January.09.2015

While interning in Dublin everyone will want to also save time for exploring; whether that is within Ireland or branching out into other countries is completely up to you. I participated in a Global Experience internship in Dublin in summer 2013 and I am excited to share my experiences to give you an idea of what traveling in Ireland is like. To start with, Ireland is a small country, about the same size as some small US states; a bus or train ride across the entire country will take no more than three or four hours. Because of that, any city you want to visit in Ireland can be made into a long day trip or a weekend away and it is easy to find somewhere to stay either in a hostel or through Airbnb. Here are the top methods of traveling outside of Dublin and a few little tips that will help you avoid snafus along the way.

Gift List for Your International Internship

Brian Brinkman | December.31.2014

With the holidays just finished and your Global Experiences Internship fast approaching, it’s the perfect time to stock up on gadgets, luggage, and portable entertainment to help you travel with ease, and thrive in your internship. Put all those gift certificates to good use, take advantage of post-holiday sales and prepare for your travels in style! Check out these ten gift ideas, and get an edge on your travels and your internship!

Know Your Strengths and Take Control

Harrison B. | December.23.2014

Your twenties are guaranteed to be tumultuous. There’s no avoiding this. Finding your footing in your budding, young career while simultaneously cultivating a clear sense of identity, self-worth, and purpose is no short order. Combine these certainties with friends and relationships constantly coming and going, and don’t be surprised if your life feels one big Taylor Swift song. On loop.

Stronger Through Strengths - Annual Team Retreat

Emily Merson | December.16.2014

We have had another exciting year at Global Experiences in 2014. I always say that change is constant and again we have seen some changes during the year: new locations, awards, record breaking enrollment, and lots and lots of conferences and campus visits.

Salisbury University President visits Global Experiences Interns

Emily Merson | December.09.2014

Lead by example. Model the results you expect. Just as successful CEOs and leaders of corporations cultivate their missions and strategic plans towards company goals, successful University Presidents also lead by modeling the kinds of bold leadership that inspires students on their campus.

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