Tips and Tales From Around the Globe

Reverse Culture Shock: Why Coming Home Can Be Hard to Handle

Meghan Tankersley | August.17.2012

Fall is coming. Stores are advertising  Back to School specials, the air is permeated with the crisp smell of earth, college football is gearing up (Go Gamecocks), and many of our GE interns have just returned home from an experience abroad. Coming home from living aboard is exciting, but also incredibly sad. As a GE Intern alumna, I know first hand what it can be like to experience living independently in a new, exciting city and then return back to grind of reality. Now that I am a GE employee I wanted to express my personal experiences and advice for those who may experience reverse culture shock, or re-entry shock.

Buon Appetito!

Meghan Tankersley | July.09.2012


In the city of Milan, it is essential to find the best spots for aperitivo [like Happy Hour drinks and food]. You need to go to a restaurant that offers amazing cuisine, drinks and the best atmosphere! So to help all you future Milan interns, I have compiled a list of my top five restaurants that offer aperitivo here in Milan!


Letter from an Alumn to Parents

Meghan Tankersley | April.18.2012

[Dear Concerned Parent:]

Dealing with Tragedy Abroad

Meghan Tankersley | July.13.2011

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