Tips and Tales From Around the Globe

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Ashleigh Franks

Ashleigh Franks
Ashleigh F. is one of Global Experiences' hardworking Admissions Counselors. Ashleigh lived in Sydney, Australia and Munich, Germany before coming back to the US.

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Intern Experience: Katherine's Fashion Business Internship in Milan

Ashleigh Franks | February.02.2018

The decision to go abroad is often times more a leap of faith than anything else. It’s a big commitment to move to a new country and embrace a foreign culture, but Katherine C., a recent graduate of University of Texas - San Antonio, jumped in with two feet when she enrolled to go to Milan for a Fashion Business Internship last Fall. Katherine had previously studied abroad in Barcelona, but the opportunity to gain professional experience in her career field of choice, Fashion Business, while also exploring Milan was too good to pass up! Read on to learn more about her unforgettable Fall in Milan.

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