Global Experiences Blog

The 5 Top Cities for Public Relations Internships

Written by Augusta Viccellio | July.10.2017

With so many locations to chose from, it can be hard to decide where you want to do a PR internship abroad. We created this guide to help you narrow down your options!

It seems we are most aware of Public Relations when it becomes a “nightmare” such as the most recent events with United Airlines. Those pursuing this industry also know they will be responsible for the warm fuzzies created when a company stands for something meaningful. The most popular example would be of the intimates and sleepwear company Aerie and the #AERIEreal campaign where, in 2014, they pledged to 100% untouch models in conjunction with a message of healthy body image and self love to girls all over the world.

Public Relations is a constantly evolving field in direct correlation between a company and their needs and rapidly changing technology. While the role of a PR professional varies between organizations the main purpose is to facilitate a positive and mutually beneficial relationship between an organization and the public. A PR professional can be expected to be well versed in many different aspects of a company in order to help the public understand.

With an increase in globalization, a career such as PR that focuses on communication requires the ability to successfully communicate with people across all cultures, languages, and socio-economic statuses. Having the ability to intern or work abroad in PR will not only prove to future employers that you have a valuable skillset but will also aid you in developing unique skills.

You can intern in public relations in almost any city in the world. Here are the cities we recommend, with a bit of insight to the PR industry in that country to give you a better idea of what to expect!


Do you thrive in collaborative environments and off of new ideas and progressive technologies? Then you should consider pursuing a PR internship in Sydney! Not only are PR companies in Sydney incredibly media savvy, they also have informal working environments which allows you to work directly alongside all members of the team - from Creative Director to Image Consultant to Brand Manager.

This allows you to not only learn more, but will also help to increase your professional network and secure future references. While the PR culture in Sydney may be somewhat unconventional, you’re new cultural insights allow you to think out of the box and bring a new perspective to any organization you join in the future. Don't just take our word. Katie, our former Sydney Intern from Truman State University, says that she has learned "heaps about public relations!" during her time abroad.


An internship in London is a great city choice for those who are looking to work hard and build connections in Public Relations. The PR industry in London is fast-paced and dynamic, and a young workforce makes it a social and fun workplace. By nature of the its location, London has a global media landscape giving you the opportunity to network with globally influential professionals.

Oftentimes, you never know where those connections will lead and can help you get a foot in the door for your first real job. Work hard and your employers will recognize your efforts and commend you, just like the supervisors for our former intern Nicole from the University of Pittsburgh did!

PR has so many aspects and subcategories that it is not uncommon to try your hand at combining two passions. Interested in a fashion internship? Try your hand at fashion PR. Interested in the travel and tourism industry? Help develop the marketing and PR for a local travel company! You can expect to be working non-stop alongside your co-workers while in the office. The more responsibility you ask for and the more you prove yourself, the more you will be rewarded in your internship!


Do you think it’s important to immerse yourself in a vibrant and international culture? Then a PR internship in Barcelona is for you! Barcelona has a different pace of life that you’ll be hard pressed to find in another major city. With professionals from all over the world living in Barcelona, our interns have been hosted at world renowned PR firms and local companies alike for the best internship opportunities.

Worried about your Spanish? Don’t be! We match you to a firm based on your language level. Our interns have worked in English speaking offices to Spanish only working with the local population. Barcelona culture comes from the mix of French and Spanish and has created a culture of its own that will certainly give you a unique Public Relations internship experience. Jessica, one of our Barcelona alumna from New York University stated that she "adores the city" and is "grateful for all of life's experiences there!"


Dublin is developing a reputation as a technology hub and as a result, the PR industry in technology and innovation is thriving. Dublin is rich with start-up culture and therefore many businesses start small here. In a Dublin internship you’ll be able to put your creative mind to use by taking on responsibility and contributing to a small organization that values your perspective.

Unlike large PR firms, our Dublin PR interns find it is not uncommon to work closely with everyone from the Founder/CEO to the Image Director.  This can be useful for an abundant about of professional networking, as told by one of our University of South Carolina alumna.

Influenced by thousands of years of history, Dubliners are learning to strike a perfect balance between their ancient roots and new technology that has them rising through the ranks quickly. Not only will an Public Relations internship in Dublin allow you a great deal of responsibility and industry experience, it is consistently voted one of the friendliest cities in the world.

New York City

Culture in a New York City internship can be similar to that of London. As a business capital of the world, New York City offers endless opportunities in the PR field in any subcategory. From Fashion PR to NGO PR, anything is possible in this US internship. A great way to start your career in Public Relations to have the ability to put a New York Company on your resume and your new contacts.

Keys to a successful Public Relations Internship in NYC: Be a self-starter, show extreme dedication, be driven, and be ready to get your hands dirty in tasks that may be outside of what you expect.  PR firms in NYC can have their pick of candidates from all over the world.

They chose you and it’s now up to you to prove yourself. Work diligently and you can meet your own goals, such as when Karina, one of our NYC interns from Australia completed her first media release! Once you’ve made it in the industry here, you’re in.

You're Set!

Seth Godin, a best-selling author, entrepreneur, marketer, and public speaker once said, "People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories, and magic." This holds true to any Public Relations internship opportunity you choose to pursue. What city will you lend your magic to in your internship program?