Global Experiences Blog

Top 5 Reasons You Should be Interning in Shanghai

Written by Meghan Tankersley | March.11.2016

China has become one of the most popular study abroad destinations over the last ten year. Join the hundreds of other students that are experiencing the unique beauty of China with an internship in Shanghai. Shanghai is one of the world’s largest cities with a population of over 23 million and is home some of the most modern (and tallest) buildings, traditional Chinese gardens, and hundreds of fun places to visit and explore. If that’s not enough to convenience you to spend a summer in Shanghai then consider all the great benefits of interning in Shanghai, China with Global Experiences:

1. Booming Economy

For the last 15 years, Shanghai has become a truly global city. As a result, there are hundreds of internship opportunities in a wide variety industry sectors. You can be apart of the city that is emerging  as a world leader in finance and international business. Another great thing about the economy in Shanghai is that the conversion rate is still in favor for those traveling from the US, UK, and Canada with 1 US dollar (USD) equalling about 6 yuan (CNY).

2. Cultural Immersion

An internship in Shanghai is going to be a complete immersion into Chinese culture! Chinese work culture is unique.  With certain facets like Face and Guanxi you will gain valuable perspective. Gaining first-hand knowledge of a new culture will strengthen your ability to adapt to new situations, teach yu more about global awareness, and you will discover more about yourself.

3. Personalized Support

An internship in China is going to be full of amazing professional experience, cultural immersion, delicious food, and beautiful sites. It will also be challenging. As such, that is why Global Experiences will provide you with hours of personalized support to help prepare you for culture shock, ensure your professional documents are up to Chinese standards, and discuss your personal goals and needs. Our Program Advisors and local staff in Shanghai will make certain that before and during your internship you feel secure and comfortable in your new home.

4. Impress Employers

An internship in Shanghai is going to highlight your resume in the stack of other resumes on the desk of a prospective employer. It proves that not only do you have an understanding of Chinese business culture, but you have the type of personality that is willing to arise to new challenges and embrace different cultures. The traits you learn from having a global perspective, consciousness and emotional stability, are vital as the world becomes more intertwined.

5. International Network

Many people will tell you that job hunting is more than what you know, but about who you know.  Why not hedge your bets and increase your knowledge and professional network? Building relationships is crucial in Chinese business and by interning in Shanghai for a few months you have the opportunity to network with professionals in your industry to start establishing these connections. Imagine establishing life-long friends AND professional contacts with industry leaders in one of the most influential cities in the world.

photo credit: mouseshadows via photopin
photo credit: pennstatenews via photopin