Global Experiences Blog

The Life of Public Relations Intern in New York City

Written by Meghan Tankersley | October.29.2013

Karina is completing an internship in PR in NYC this fall. Below is a recap and pictures of  her eventful week  from her blog. 

This week has been amazing- actually, amazing is an understatement. From attending Miley Cyrus’s album launch at Planet Hollywood, to meeting one of the most influential people in the fashion industry, Andre Leon Talley, it is definitely hard to pick a favorite.

The dreaded thought of Monday was overshadowed by the sudden cold snap that had me digging for jeans after four long weeks of T-shirt weather. As the rain fell, along with the temperature, and after a long day of work, my roommate Sue and I ventured to the local movie theater to experience the movie everyone had been raving about- Gravity. I’m horrible with summing up a movie without giving anything away, so all I will say is this- go and watch it, in the cinema, in 3D, it’s great!

Tuesday night, coincidentally, Erin and I found ourselves at the Miley Cyrus album launch at Planet Hollywood after a friend offered me two press passes. It was insane. Thousands of fans showed up and lined the streets in the hopes of getting a glimpse of the ‘We Can’t Stop’ singer. Thankfully, we were in a gated area, although I definitely felt like a teenage girl again the second she stepped out of the car and the screaming started.

We then raced back to the 92Y to watch Andre Leon Tally talk. He was an amazing speaker, and told of things he had done that I wouldn’t even dream of! My favorites was the story he told of one Christmas- he was feeling sad after he had lost a friend earlier in the year, so on Christmas eve Karl Lagerfeld surprised Andre by sending a driver to his house when he was taken to the airport, flown on the concord to Karl’s estate (estate? mansion? palace?), and they spent Christmas together as well as a few weeks following- just hanging out at his house (again, I don’t know what you’d call Karl Lagerfeld’s property… heaven?). Can you imagine?! He also had some great advice for people in the industry, or people who were generally trying to follow their dreams.

After the talk Erin and I were lucky enough to run into him as he exited the building, where he stopped and spoke with us- we even got some photos taken! And Erin got her Vogue issue signed- which looks awesome.

Wednesday night I was invited to a fundraising dinner at the Waldorf Astoria. Taking place in the grand ballroom, my uncle, cousin and I enjoyed an incredible dinner, and listened to the New York Police commissioner speak, although my favorite part of the night was the auction. Amongst the sporting memorabilia, celebrity experiences, and vintage Chanel handbags that were up for auction was a table for 8 at Rao’s. By table I mean a reservation, people were bidding on reserving a table at a restaurant- no food, no drink, for one night, just the reservation. There were two tables available, and they both sold for $22,000, each! A RESERVATION.

The Waldorf was incredible; I can only image the massive parties they would have had there 60 years ago, and all of the people that would have attended.

Among all of these events work has been so busy! I again got something I wrote send out this week, a few things actually, and this time with only two or three drafts (I’m learning).We have just announced the return of Peter Max to New York, with an event scheduled for late October, and on Monday we had a client open up a blowout bar at Barneys as part of the Barneys New York beauty level refurbishment.

So much to learn, so much to experience, such little time! To anyone reading this who is thinking about interning overseas, do it for the longest amount of time you can! I am about to wrap up week 5, and it honestly feels like week 2 still- I have so much more to learn, and so much more to give!

Also, to anyone coming to New York, I am starting to write a book filled with little tips especially for my friends! From where to eat, drink and shop, what apps to download to make your life a whole lot easier, and what to carry in your hand bag, amongst the essentials- hand sanitizer and a metro card.

I’d love to hear any tips you have!

All my love and a little bit more,

-K xo

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