Global Experiences Blog

What is a Gap Year?

Written by Katherine Adams | June.02.2020

For those of you who recently graduated from high school, you could be thinking, “I don’t know what to do with my life.” We get it!

If you’re a current university student who just went through having spring semester switch to virtual and fall semester in limbo, you may be thinking “why am I paying full price for tuition for an online education?”.

Or, you may be a student or young professional who really likes the concept of virtual learning and fully embraces the flexibility and new skills - like internet literacy, digital competency, adaptability, responsibility, and time management.

A gap year is a great option for you all, now more than ever.

With many universities planning to remain online in the fall or those who may be back on campus with more restrictions, it’s safe to say that the “normal” college life is on pause for now. Many students have been forced to look at alternatives like gap year programs.

According to recent surveys reported by Axios, “more than a quarter of college students are questioning whether to return to their current college or university in the fall due to uncertainty around plans to reopen… 35% of prospective college students said they’re planning to take a gap year.”

A gap year is a strong alternative for not only prospective college students but those currently enrolled who are uncertain about what the future of their education looks like.

What is a Gap Year? What are the benefits?

A gap year is a concept of taking time off between high school and college, during college, or after college.

Accordingly to the Gap Year Association, “Taking a structured gap year invariably serves to develop the individual into a more focused student with a better sense of purpose and engagement in the world.”

Taking a gap year is an excellent opportunity to explore your interests, travel domestically and internationally, and have the flexibility to learn at your own pace!

Even more exciting, gap year programs provide the opportunity for students to take courses they are interested in while also participating in internships and other professional endeavors.

Here are some of the benefits of a gap year study + internship program:

  • Flexibility and Affordability
  • Coursework offered through universities different countries
  • Professional development and internship experience at your convenience
  • New skills - like internet literacy, digital competency, adaptability, responsibility, time management
  • Enhanced resumé - show your ability to work independently without close supervision
  • Work with people around the world

Not only is it important to plan your education, but it's just as important to think about your career (and your finances!).

How can a Virtual Internship fit into your Gap Year?

Many students will consider gaining work experience to build their resume during their gap year. 

If you’re taking time off from your undergraduate degree, or recently graduated university and hoping to gain remote working skills, opportunities like virtual internships are an outstanding way to do this!

Powered Global Experiences and AIFS Study Abroad, you have the option to enroll in our program providing you the opportunity to do a hybrid of a virtual fall semester and then go abroad in the spring.

Our program connects you with an international company for a virtual internship, combined with a semester's worth of courses, which allows you to still gain worthwhile skills and connections while physical travel may be halted in much of the world.

The idea is simple. Take online courses (such as a language, politics, business, etc.) while completing a virtual internship for the first semester. Then grab your plane ticket for the second semester to intern in NYC, San José, Dublin, Florence, or Sydney OR choose from an AIFS study abroad program. You'll get a comprehensive international experience for the entire year.

The fact of the matter is that everyone views and uses their gap year in a unique way. This program works for students and young people alike, in a multitude of different circumstances and points of life. As an emerging student or future graduate, you should consider each of the options available to you in your circumstances, and choose the option, or options, that will benefit you the most!

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a strain on every facet of “normal” life, notably, higher education and international travel -- and the future of work is remote.

Virtuoso Institute's program is the way to gain necessary experience in a way that is tailored towards you and your interests in order to help shape your future. 

What are you waiting for? Apply today!