Global Experiences Blog

Success Story: Charlie's Internship in London

Written by Charlie O. | December.07.2021

There is nowhere quite like London. I first lived here as a college student, when I studied abroad during my junior year. I always planned on going back to London right after I graduated, but I graduated in 2020. You know what that means. Fast forward to a year later, and I'm part of the first in-person program since last March.

There is something exciting about being part of that first group back after the pandemic. To me, London has always been a beautiful representation of freedom. There is nothing you can’t be or do. Of course, there was a moment in time when this city - along with the rest of this world - had its freedom taken away. It is very special to be here after it was given its freedom back! I feel like I am living history - and I am certainly appreciating the crowdedness more than I ever did before. In this post, I will detail a day in the life of being an in-person intern in London!

7:15 - My alarm goes off. I like to wake up early and be ahead of schedule. There is a gym across the street from my flat, so I take half an hour to walk on the treadmill and prepare for the day. Once I'm back, I make a smoothie for breakfast, then get cleaned up and dressed for the day. Finally, I pack my backpack and I’m out the door by 8:30.

8:30 - I begin my commute to the office. The walk to the closest underground station (also called the Tube) is about 10 minutes. When I get there, I pick up a newspaper to read on the way (but the underground is also a great spot for people watching!).

9:10 - I get off at the Picadilly Circus station. From there, the walk to the office is less than 5 minutes. I work in the Soho district, which is always a bustling area, even during this hour. I like seeing the billboards and the store displays change, especially as the holiday season approaches.

9:15 - I check in to the office. The building is multiple floors, and holds space for a wide variety of businesses. I go up to the fourth floor, settle in, and get ready for the team-wide meeting on Zoom. I share what I worked on the day before, what I will be working on the day of, and any challenges that have come up.

9:45 - I start the assignment I am given for the day. I am interning at a marketing firm, so I am typically working on projects with current clients, or doing research for future opportunities. There is a giant window next to me with a stunning view of the buildings in Soho, so I can always see what’s going on outside.

12:30 - Lunch time! A couple of my friends are interning in the same neighborhood, so we are able to meet up and get some fresh air. I typically bring a lunch with me, but I also make sure to try some of the little cafes in the neighborhood.

5:00 - The work day ends. I go to the underground station, but not to go home. My goal is to do something special every day, and in London, the possibilities are endless. I’m constantly hearing about new things going on throughout the city, either through word of mouth or online. I like to follow Instagram accounts that are dedicated to posting London updates, as well as people who live here and lead exciting lives. While sometimes I get together with friends, I also really enjoy spending time in the city by myself. A sense of independence and curiosity is very important for traveling.

9:00 - Based on what I’m doing after work, I get back to my flat at a range of times, but 9:00 is a good estimate. While it is crucial to make the most out of the time in London, I also know that I’m someone who needs a certain amount of sleep during the work week. When I get back, I make dinner, then dive into whatever book I’m reading or show I’m watching.

10:30 - Time for bed! Even though I have established a daily routine, what happens within the day is always different. That is part of the magic of London!

An internship abroad with Global Experiences is a very special opportunity, particularly for people who just graduated college. It will be an incredible life experience, and it will make them stand out within the job market. I would tell an intern in London to think about what they are specifically hoping to get out of the internship. Their boss will most likely want to know this, and it helps both of them to have that conversation at the beginning. I would also encourage them to try to meet everyone in the office, and to add them on LinkedIn, as they could be a resource in the future. Finally, I would tell them to make sure they have a copy of all the projects they worked on, as they can be used in their portfolio. I encourage everyone to experience life in London, even for a short amount of time. I know that it is one of the biggest cities in the world, but it has a way of quickly feeling like home. The cliches are true - going abroad is something that sticks with you forever.

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