Global Experiences Blog

Do I Actually Live Here? My London Internship

Written by Alex Paisner | June.20.2013


Platform 9 3/4 is part of my daily commute!


I am Siddhi (or Biddhi, whichever you prefer), a senior at the George Washington School of Business double concentrating in Business Economics and Public Policy as well as International Business (yes, I am aware that it is a mouthful). I am originally from India, but I call Nashua, New Hampshire my home. I love food, sports, running, travel, and exploring (the typical stuff). To give you some context about my upcoming posts, I will be interning in London this summer through a program called Global Experiences (I would highly recommend it, but we will get into that another time)! Anyways don’t worry, I promise to keep things interesting. <3 

Do I Actually Live Here?

Things just got real. Today was my first day of work, amazing. The picture below, IS MY VIEW?! Crazy right? The DC waterfront cannot even compare to that scene. Work was obviously great. I have a wonderful boss and such a sweet co-worker! They are genuine and actually value my opinion more than I could ever hope for. I still am not over the accents, and I don’t imagine that I will ever really be.

This is my view from work...Nevertheless, even though I confidently mapped out my route to work, I got lost.


                                                           This is my view from work...


Well technically, it wasn’t my fault. A kind woman went out of her way and guided me to what she thought was my office building, and was even late for work because of it. It was such a great gesture and we chatted about her life and my aspirations. However, she brought me twenty minutes away from my office at the Royal Festival Hall. Womp. But of course, I was still on time to breakfast because I had given myself 90 minutes to make a 30 minute commute… yes I know, quite excessive, but I figured I could have done some sightseeing and get myself familiar with the area. So that was helpful, and I realized that contrary to popular belief, people here are nice. They do want to help. And they find me fascinating (I haven’t quite figured out why yet, but hey, I can’t complain).

Overall, I am still adjusting and my projects at work are heavily research based (so I am in my element). Not to mention, my suit was drenched in sweat by the time I got home because it was so humid. I shall keep you posted, but warning, it may not be as frequent as I had planned! There are so many things I want to do here, and places in Europe that I must explore!


For more information on Siddhi's London internship You can follow her personal blog at