Global Experiences Blog

All You Need is L̶o̶v̶e̶ a Passport

Written by Madison Kujawski | February.11.2020

Life is short, so don’t waste time waiting for others to make travel plans. Stop searching for the perfect travel partner, because sometimes, the best travel buddy is you! 

It’s time to get out your passport and show yourself a little love. Explore somewhere new, learn, grow, and experience things you’ll remember for the rest of your life. 

Here is how your passport will bring you all the love you need:

1. You’re never really alone when traveling solo

Worried about being ‘alone’ while discovering new places? Don’t worry-- thousands of other travelers are doing the same thing as you are, looking for new travel buddies while embarking on their own journey.

Tip: Do yourself (and your wallet) a favor, and book a night or two in a hostel!

Hostels are an inexpensive hot spot for solo travelers. Visit the common area to see what everyone is talking about. Make yourself approachable, and don’t be afraid of fun, simple conversation. Before you know it, you’ll hear another traveler's life story and realize you have more in common than you thought! 

2. Make new friends

Every solo traveler out there is waiting to meet others just like them. Luckily, you’ll already have things in common, like a passion for travel and the courage to take on a solo adventure. 

Group tours and day excursions are the perfect time to meet other excited adventurers! Exploring a new city together (and discussing your future travel plans) is the perfect chance to gain a new travel buddy! 

Don’t be the typical tourist that only sees the sights; become the traveler that makes new friendships along the way!

3. Say goodbye to your comfort zone

While you’re exploring your new stomping grounds, put your phone down and ask for directions! Hang up and hang out with the locals, because they want you to have a five-star experience of their culture and lifestyle. And who knows-- the stranger you asked for a recommendation might just be your next dinner date! 

It’s a great feeling to step out of your comfort zone and stay there. Be proud of yourself for taking a leap in life, trying something new, and succeeding! Equipped with your first-hand experience, you will be ready to share all your expertise with aspiring solo travelers. 

4. You will become independent

Growing up is all about gaining independence and learning to rely on yourself. Traveling solo is your time to shine! 

While you are hopping from place to place, try to push your inner self to do things without depending on others. You may face some obstacles along the way, but learning to solve them on your own makes the adventure last a lifetime. 

Some challenges become the perfect opportunity to learn something new, like picking up a new language (whether you’re taking notes on the local dialect or highlighting new vocab in your dictionary). 

5. You are on your own schedule

Taking charge of your own schedule is arguably the best part about traveling independently. 

You’ll never have to hear “It’s time to go!” or “Are you ready!?” as you pack your bag for your day’s adventure. 

You are free to take a morning walk to the local market in Barcelona, hit the beaches of France for the day, or spend the night listening to the rainfall in San Jose without having to ask for approval from others. Are you ready to live the ‘wake up and go’ mentality?

Traveling solo also helps you avoid unnecessary drama with your travel group. So, you will be less stressed when organizing an itinerary just for yourself. During your travels, you can wake up and plan your day however your heart desires. Don’t you love the sound of that?

6. Take care of your mental health

Saying goodbye to your demanding day-to-day schedule and hello to a new country might be exactly the pick-me-up you need. 

Once you’re in a new country juggling an unfamiliar language and culture, you won’t have time to worry about your stressors back home. Take time for self-care and prioritize your well-being! 

We all know traveling reduces stress, so do what is best for your mental health and maximize your getaway from school or from work. Everyone deserves a break from reality, it’s just up to you to decide how to treat your getaway!

7. Fall in love with yourself

After following the advice above, you will love yourself for getting out of your comfort zone and having an experience that you will remember forever. 

It’s time to look back at all the stamps in your passport and reminisce about everything you’ve learned along the way. You fell in love with traveling, became more independent, made new friends, and most importantly, you fell in love with yourself. Now that you have travel stories to share, you can inspire others to travel solo, too!

If you haven’t taken your solo journey yet, then take some advice from solo travel expert and founder of the Trusted Travel Girl, Valerie Wilson:

“If you allow it, travel has the ability to expand your mind in a way you never realized was possible.” 

Ready to have a new adventure while finding yourself? Apply now!