
Become our Alumni Ambassador!

Ambassadors are cross-cultural champions that represent their internship, host city's culture, and all of the amazing experiences they had while abroad.

We want you to be our alumni ambassador!  Use the ending of your internship as a new beginning, where you can bring the tales of your journey back to campus and inspire others to change their lives by interning abroad, too! Who better to share these experiences than someone who has lived it and loved it! 

The deadline to apply is Friday, September 8th. Submit your application today!



 Claire, our Texas A&M Alumni Ambassador at their Study Abroad Fair


What GE Ambassadors do:   

  • Serve as a reference for students interested in interning abroad   
  • Attend public events and presentations
  • Volunteer at study abroad & career fairs with GE staff
  • Blog about the cultures and experiences
  • Leverage professional and academic networks