Tips and Tales From Around the Globe

Being Happy...A Career Strategy

Emily Merson | March.20.2013


Global Experiences focuses on helping college students and young professionals get a competitive edge through an international internship program experience. Every week we speak to hundreds of people starting out in their career and we think a lot about what advice to give and how to provide people with the best experience possible. Our goal isn’t just landing a job, it is helping our Alum have happy and successful lives, in the broadest sense.

10 Years of Internships in Florence: A Love Story

Emily Merson | March.11.2013

Summer 2013 marks 10 years for our Florence Internship Program. I am often asked as one of GE’s two co-founders how we started Global Experiences, who’s idea was it, and why Internships. There is a long and a short answer of course but for me it is simple.

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