Tips and Tales From Around the Globe

Updates from Intern Chandi in Sydney

Meghan Tankersley | November.12.2013

Below is an email written by marketing intern Chandi to Program Consultant Harrison about her internship abroad experience in Sydney this fall. Chandi is currently interning for a fashion company that designs and manufactures womenswear. Her internship tasks include blogging, assisting with creating marketing materials, and managing social media outlets.  Check out the Global Experiences website to see how you too can do an internship in Australia! 

The Life of Public Relations Intern in New York City

Meghan Tankersley | October.29.2013

Karina is completing an internship in PR in NYC this fall. Below is a recap and pictures of  her eventful week  from her blog. 

Australia to NYC: Karina's PR Internship

Meghan Tankersley | October.10.2013

Karina, a Brisbane native, is doing an internship in Public Relations this fall in New York City for a PR and communications agency. Below is a post titled 'The Diary of a PR Intern' from her personal blog. 

Words From The Intern: International Internships

Alex Paisner | August.16.2013


International Internships:Discover Your Potential


Some Global Experiences summer 2013 Dublin interns! Stephanie on the far left.

One Week Down in London

Alex Paisner | March.15.2013

London Global Experiences intern Lauren McCurry is spending her Spring doing a marketing internship in London. Here is her week 1 update!

Outside my Comfort Zone in Sydney

Alex Paisner | November.19.2012

Katie Lenger is a student at Truman State University interning in public relations in Sydney this fall.

Like Alice in Wonderland

Meghan Tankersley | September.21.2012

I never actually wanted to go to New York. I always thought I was such a European girl and that US is so far away from my dreams, interests, habits… my family, my friends...everything that makes me who I am. I thought NYC was too big, too dirty, too fake and overrated.

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